As writer, teacher, jewelry-maker and everyday woman, I'm fascinated by the ways that clarity and clutter shape creative lives. To me, the question of how much stuff we have is far less important than how much time, freedom and focus we can bring to our creative efforts. Sure, sometimes clutter manifests tangibly, as supplies, possessions, or mementos. But just as often it appears in less physical (but no less powerful) forms: as distractions, drains, obligations, expectations, judgments, and fears that leave us no time or energy to make art or even dream dreams. My first "DeClutter Your Creativity" classes were inspired by my own personal struggle to find the balance of abundance and emptiness needed to fuel my work...and to find it again, and again, and again as my life and work evolve. This blog is another way to dialogue on the subject: written with curiosity, compassion and (sometimes) comedy from the often befuddling place where creativity and clutter meet.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Some days my three blogs—one on writing, one on loss and legacy, and this one on creative decluttering—seem as different as chalk, cheese, and chianti; at other times, a single post could appear on all three. Today's post on my GriefGlow blog, inspired by writing by ecologist and writer Susan J. Tweit, is about caregiving and clutter. Consider yourself invited to take a look at it if this sometimes terrible twosome is part of your experience.

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