As writer, teacher, jewelry-maker and everyday woman, I'm fascinated by the ways that clarity and clutter shape creative lives. To me, the question of how much stuff we have is far less important than how much time, freedom and focus we can bring to our creative efforts. Sure, sometimes clutter manifests tangibly, as supplies, possessions, or mementos. But just as often it appears in less physical (but no less powerful) forms: as distractions, drains, obligations, expectations, judgments, and fears that leave us no time or energy to make art or even dream dreams. My first "DeClutter Your Creativity" classes were inspired by my own personal struggle to find the balance of abundance and emptiness needed to fuel my work...and to find it again, and again, and again as my life and work evolve. This blog is another way to dialogue on the subject: written with curiosity, compassion and (sometimes) comedy from the often befuddling place where creativity and clutter meet.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


This photo of a delightful little house on wheels comes from Alice, editor of the blog Bohemian Hellhouse, who describes herself delightfully as "a designer, a photographer, a musician, a seamstress, a scavenger, a gardener, a maid" and lists the following as her interests: music, design, legos, cameras, goodwill, movies, reading, writing, photography, sewing, coffee, road trips, demolition, antiques. new magazines, peeling paint, two headed dragon toys, french cookware, big kitchen sinks, free piles, sparkly lights, vintage fieldcrest bath towels, beat up wood, carl zeiss, little bits of paper, fancy boots. A true soul sister!

I love the details of this structure: the corbels under the eaves, the curtains in the windows, the staircase, the little solarium-thingie. Now that's what a mobile home should be.

I don't know about you, but when I see a house like this I immediately picture running (well, rolling) away from my real home, leaving my real stuff and my real obligations behind.

If you know me at all, you also know I will not do this or anything like it, even if I got myself a cute and cunning little house like this.. I'm simply too addicted to (a) dishware, (b) vintage textiles, (c) books, and (d) indoor plumbing.

Still, it's always nice to dream.

Thanks for a moment in Wonderland, Alice!


  1. love it! and am glad to know about Alice. I think online bios, whether on blogs, facebook, twitter, or elsewhere, are becoming a new art form or genre.

  2. Not to mention lamps and chairs! Love the little house on the go, but I too could not run away in it - too many books (although that would be the impetus to get a Kindle).
